Shoyu Soft Cream at 垂水大豆館

I have fond memories of chasing the ice cream truck down the street as a child. As soon as I could hear the music playing, I would run out the door, eager to cool down with an ice cream cone in the hot Texas summer.
So to this day, I still get excited at the sight of an ice cream cone.
For the past two years, I’ve noticed this ice cream cone sign at a place called “Tarumizu Daizukan” as I drive to and from town every week. (Note: “Daizu” means “soybean” in Japanese. “Kan” means mansion or castle.)
I was told that this store is famous for soy sauce flavored soft ice cream.
As I had never tried such a flavor before, I was very intrigued!
垂水大豆館の、醤油味ソフトアイスクリームが有名だと聞きました。 醤油のアイスクリームを聞いたことなかったので、興味をそそられました!
On a particularly hot day, I decided to stop in and check it out.
The soft cream was a delicious combination of sweet and salty flavors. The taste of the soy sauce was subtle and smooth. It had a soft and creamy texture, without being too rich. Perfection!
Tarumizu Daizukan is actually much more than just soft ice cream. There is a factory on premises which has been producing soy sauce and miso products since 1934. These are sold inside the shop as well.
垂水大豆館は、ソフトクリームの他にもたくさんのものあります。 実際には1934年から醤油と味噌を生産している工場です。製品も店内でも売られています。
The impressive line-up of products ranges from cooking liquids like bottled soy sauce and miso to granola, cookies, and of course tofu. There are also gifts and souvenirs.
印象的な品揃えは、醤油、味噌、お出汁からグラノーラ、クッキー、もちろん豆腐に至るまでの幅広い品揃えです。 ギフトやお土産もあります。
Before moving to Kagoshima, I didn’t know that Kyushu soy sauce is different from the rest of Japan. Now, I prefer its sweet taste, which in my opinion compliments food better than the salty kind of soy sauce which is prominent in America.
鹿児島に来る前に、九州の醤油が関西地方の醤油と違うことは知らなかった。 今、九州の方が好きです!私にとって、甘い味はアメリカで見られる塩辛い醤油よりも食べ物の味を引き立てていると思います。
So I was delighted to have accidentally walked into an authentic Kyushu soy sauce factory.
At the recommendation of the staff, I went home with a bottle of dashi and soy sauce in hand as well. Although I’m yet an unskilled cook, I’ll do my best to honor the quality and history of Tarumizu Daizukan!
お店の方のおすすめで、だし醤油と醤油を一本ずつ頂いて帰りました。 料理は少し苦手ですが、垂水大豆館の品質と歴史を尊重するためにも頑張ります!
Next time you’re in Taramizu–or just passing through, be sure to stop in for this very special and delicious treat. Whether you’re a child or just nostalgic for childhood, It’s sure to make you happy at any age.
垂水大豆館 (Tarumizu Daizukan)
住所:鹿児島県 垂水市 旭町 88
営業時間:10:00 – 17:00
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